Expert Therapy

Transpersonal Therapy London

Do you have a nagging sense that you are more than you are able to be? Feeling disconnected from something bigger and more meaningful than your daily existence? Are you interested in exploring your spiritual side? You should consider transpersonal therapy. 

What is transpersonal therapy?

To help you understand yourself and reach your full potential, transpersonal therapy combines psychotherapeutic thought with spiritual traditions and tools. 

This holistic approach focuses not only on your mental wellbeing, but also on your physical, creative, and spiritual aspects, as well as the ‘transpersonal’ side of you that is beyond just your own worldview. 

How to book your session

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Counselors and psychotherapists at Expert therapy are all qualified and accredited with reputable professional associations.

How does transpersonal psychotherapy work? 

The perspective of transpersonal psychotherapy is positive, as are those of other therapies associated with the humanistic school of thought. By recognizing the inner resources and qualities that you can use to face challenges and feel balanced, it does not aim to fix what is ‘wrong’ with you.  

What is a transpersonal session at Expert Therapy like? 

Depending on the issue you are trying to address and on the tools your therapist and you decide to use, transpersonal sessions can vary.

Additionally, to talking about things, sessions can include nontraditional tools that are increasingly supported by research, such as mindfulness meditation, visualisation, hypnosis, and yoga. There are other tools you can use to work with dreams and creativity, such as breathing exercises and movement, or work on your dreams and inner child. 

What issues can transpersonal therapy help me with?

  • addictions 
  • anxiety 
  • depression
  • feeling lost and hopeless
  • lack of identity and identity crisis
  • life balance
  • loneliness and disconnection
  • low self-esteem 
  • phobias
  • stress 
  • relationship problems. 

Is there a transpersonal therapist near me? 

If you prefer, we can connect you with top London transpersonal psychologists and therapists who offer sessions in Expert therapy, the City of London, or online if that is more convenient for you. 

Each of our therapists is accredited, registered, highly experienced, and passionate about their work. To schedule your first session, call us today or use our online booking form. 

Benefits of transpersonal counselling

The benefits of working with a transpersonal therapist include:

  • Become aware of your potential and understand yourself 
  • Use your innate resources to your advantage
  • Spiritual development
  • Relationships can be improved and deepened 
  • Identify your purpose, meaning, connection, and direction 
  • Make the world feel more familiar to you 
  • Make yourself more confident 
  • You can live a more balanced and harmonious life. 

Further resources

  • What is Transpersonal Therapy?
  • Spirituality and Mental Health – Worth Investing In

Frequently asked question

Is transpersonal therapy legitimate?

Yes, absolutely. In line with all other accreditations, a transpersonal accreditation requires a minimum of four years of schooling and training. It is a legitimate form of psychotherapy that qualifies a therapist for membership in any of the main registrars in the UK, such as BACP. Since anyone can claim to be a therapist here in the UK, it is important to verify the credentials of your therapist. By hiring only highly qualified, accredited, and experienced therapists, Expert Therapy eliminates the guesswork from the process.

What are the techniques used in transpersonal therapy?

As with all forms of psychotherapy, talking through your thoughts, feelings, and experiences is an integral part of the process. The transpersonal approach differs in that it is holistic, so it also takes into consideration your social life, your self-care, your physical well-being, and your sense of spirituality. There are a variety of techniques that can be used, including mindfulness meditation, visualization, dreamwork, creativity, breathwork, and inner child exercises.

What is the role of a transpersonal therapist?

Transpersonal therapists assist clients in discovering who they are, what they have to offer, and how they can create a life that they enjoy living. Living a life that is authentic to you and leaves you feeling balanced on all levels, including mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.