Expert Therapy

Want the superior standard of a Expert therapist, but at a time and place that works for you? But you don’t like the idea of working over video? You may benefit from telephone counseling.

It can be used for various mental health issues, challenging life challenges, or simply ongoing self-improvement instead of or in addition to face-to-face therapy sessions.

Why choose telephone counselling?

  • The convenience of being able to receive therapy from wherever you are without having to travel
  • Discretion is assured – your information will remain confidential
  • Work with a Expert therapist who is a professional and expert
  • Appointments can be arranged at short notice.

As a counsellor, I have seen many things change in the way we practice over the years.  Instead of expensive, long-term approaches, we now use brief, solution-focused therapies and strength-based approaches. Instead of the role of “expert”, now the counsellor more often is there to come alongside the client as the expert in their own lives. Another change is that psychological services will be offered to clients over the phone rather than only in person. Telephone counselling has existed for many years, but in the past, it was mostly used for crisis intervention. Today, it is an acceptable practice for psychological interventions, as well.

It is possible to overcome many of the barriers that prevent you from seeking help through telephone counselling. Telephone counselling may be a good choice for you for several reasons:

  1. If you live in a remote location, work out of town, travel frequently for business, or lack transportation or childcare, it can be difficult to get to appointments. Whenever you have a private, distraction-free space, you can receive telephone counselling. Through phone counseling, you can receive consistent, easy, and affordable help in a timely manner.
  2. For many, telephone counselling is the best way to get help and remain anonymous. Many people report a greater sense of control after talking honestly about things they find difficult to discuss face-to-face.
  3. You can have counselling in the comfort and safety of your own home without having to venture out.
  4. Psychological research shows that telephone counselling is an effective psychological practice. In-person and telephone counselling produce comparable results. People are more likely to stick with telephone counseling than in-person counselling, according to studies.
  5. When time is limited, travelling to and from appointments can make it difficult to set aside time for counselling. Telephone counseling allows you to focus on resolving your problems without having to worry about getting to and from appointments.

To make telephone counselling as effective as possible, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Set aside the time of the session.Spend this time on yourself to find your solutions and practice new skills.
  2. Make sure you are in a safe, distraction-free environment so you can give your full attention to the counselling.Multitasking is not a good As a result of distractions around you, such as children, texts, and driving, you are not able to effectively focus on yourself.

Telephone counselling is a viable alternative to in-person meetings and reduces many barriers to change. I’ve seen many people benefit from this approach to treatment in my experience as a counsellor.

How effective are counselling sessions via phone?

In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge and the National Institute for Health Research, telephone therapy was found to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy. It was useful for a variety of less severe problems and difficulties related to mental health.

How does a telephone therapy session work?

The process is the same as an in-person therapy session. Together, you and your therapist work to identify and use your inner resources to cope better with the challenges you are facing. Instead of visiting an office, you will call a number at the appointed time instead.

Telephone counseling has been proven to have many advantages

  • You can access a high-quality service at any time
  • No need to leave your comfort zone if it makes you anxious
  • You can get help from wherever you are: there are no geographical restrictions
  • Travel and parking hassle-free
  • The time you would have spent travelling to an office can be saved
  • It’s economical: you won’t need to hire babysitters or caregivers
  • Those who travel, work or live abroad will find international travel to be ideal
  • Accessible: suitable for people with physical disabilities or transportation issues.

How it works

  1. Our Booking Form can be used to book your 50 minute session.
  2. Pay for the session (Paypal).
  3. Call your therapist on a designated number.


A 50-minute session costs between $110 and $150 – payable in advance.

Expert Therapy often has appointments available within 48 hours, so you may be able to schedule an appointment with a therapist at short notice.

Further reading on telephone counselling

  • Why telephone counselling is still a thing
  • Counselling sessions – what can you really expect?


Frequently asked questions

What is telephone counselling?

An appointment with a telephone counsellor is held over the telephone rather than online or in person. In addition to being useful for those who cannot attend in person or online, it can also be used by those who are traveling.


Typically, how much does telephone counselling cost in London?

No matter where you live, you can expect to pay from £110 to £150 for a 50-minute telephone counselling session with a London-based therapist.


Is telephone counselling available on the NHS?

A private practitioner would be able to offer you more flexibility and may not have lengthy waiting lists as the NHS does.


Does Expert Therapy offer telephone counselling in London?

For mental health issues that are not urgent and less severe, Expert Therapy offers telephone counselling. It doesn’t matter where you are, and you can schedule short-notice appointments over the phone.