Expert Therapy

Jungian Psychoanalysis in London

  • Are you interested in traditional therapies that have a long history of helping clients and are based on well-known concepts?
  • Are you fascinated by Carl Jung’s ideas about dreams and archetypes?
  • Are you looking for long-term psychotherapy that dives deep into your past and who you are?

You should consider Jungian psychoanalysis

What is Jungian psychoanalysis?

It aims to help people achieve a healthy balance between their everyday consciousness and their unconscious mind through Jungian psychoanalysis. Despite being hidden, the unconscious expresses itself through dreams, according to Carl Jung. Your daily life and choices are also affected by it. 

The purpose of Jungian therapy is to help you understand your unconscious mind. Additionally, it attempts to determine how the individual fits into the ‘collective unconscious,’ which is the themes, images, and drives common to all humanity. Ultimately, we want to help you find and maintain your ideal balance, both in your life and with your sense of self.  

What do Jungian counsellors and therapists do?

It is the role of Jungian counsellors and therapists to help you access and understand your unconscious mind, and to regulate how it affects your everyday life and behavior. It’s the idea that if you understand it, you’ll be able to better balance your conscious mind with it on a daily basis.

Who was Carl Jung?

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung founded analytical psychology and was a friend and foe of Sigmund Freud.

Jung and Freud began an intense five-year friendship in Vienna in 1907. Nevertheless, Freud was unhappy with Jung’s disagreement with some of Freud’s key concepts and ideas. ‘Psychology of the Unconscious’ published in 1912 demonstrates Jung’s theoretical divergence from Freud as well as establishing the fundamentals of analytical psychology.

Jung’s main theories 

The ego (the conscious mind), the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious (which included Jung’s ideas about archetypes) comprise the human psyche.

Jung compared the collective unconscious to a reservoir containing all human experiences and knowledge. In contrast, Freud believed the unconscious held all of our unexpressed desires (one of the clear differences between Jungian and Freudian definitions of the unconscious). Synchronicity, or the sense of connectedness we all experience, was Jung’s proof of the collective unconscious.

Symbols and dreams

In addition to mythology, religion, and philosophy, Jung had an inexhaustible knowledge. As a symbolist, he was particularly knowledgeable about traditions such as alchemy, Kabbalah, Buddhism, and Hinduism.  Based on this wisdom, he believed that humans experience the unconscious through numerous symbols encountered in various aspects of life, including dreams, art, and religion.

In the field of psychology, Jung’s work has had a significant impact. The concepts of introversion and extroversion he developed greatly influenced personality psychology, as well as psychotherapy.

Are there Jungian psychoanalysts in London?

The Expert Therapy practitioners are not working Jungians, but there are many psychotherapists in London who offer Jungian psychoanalysis. There are several therapists available to help you analyze your dreams, which can be very helpful as part of an ongoing treatment plan.

Further reading on Jungian Psychoanalysis

  • Dream therapy – is it still used by psychotherapy? 
  • ‘Jung: A Very Short Introduction’ by Anthony Stevens (2001)
  • What is individuation? Carl Jung and the journey of self 
  • Carl Jung – an introduction to Jungian psychology
  • Freud vs Jung – similarities and differences
  • Introvert or extrovert? Jungian personality types
  • Carl Jung, archetypes, and you – what’s it all about?